Please refer to the Yoda github page for an up to date list of issues.
Here we compile situations that have been reported through the Helpdesk, which have known workarounds:
Files and folders in the portal
- Unable to view a file, or a folder's contents, through the portal, while you can see them through the iRODS iCommands and WebDAV.
- Check folder and file names for problematic characters (e.g.: ~!@#$%^&*()+"';:=/\<>{}`?![]|). For example, the apostrophe (') is a known source of problems. In some Yoda v.1.9 versions spaces are problems as well. Avoid these characters. You can make the content visible in the portal again by renaming the problematic file or folder through WebDAV or the iCommands.
- Apostrophes, see:
- Spaces on files, see:
- Spaces on folders, see:
Send files/folders through WebDAV
- Unable to submit certain files or folders through WebDAV, while others work fine.
- Check names for certain problematic key words. Currently, we know that the string 'select' is a problem (including variations like 'selection', etc.). Avoid these words in your file and folder names.
- See:
Group manager
- Unable to type in fields.
- When trying to add a group, you may find yourself unable to type in the Category, Subcategory or Group name fields. The workaround is to simply create a group with a default name in an existing category and subcategory. After you have created the group, you can go and edit all fields normally.
- See: