Yoda is all about managing research data in a professional way. As a higher education institution or academic medical center, Yoda will help your researchers work according to FAIR principles. It also fosters Open Science. Here you will find the Yoda Toolkit. The Toolkit has been developed by the Yoda consortium and it is meant for institutions that would like to implement Yoda. It contains practical examples of how to initiate a Yoda implementation project, and what is needed to realise a high quality RDM-service for your researchers. For more information about the toolkit, please contact Erik van den Bergh (erik.vandenbergh@wur.nl, Wageningen Research University) or Imke Limpens (i.a.m.limpens@vu.nl, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).
Yoda Hosting
The YODA Research Data Management software is developed at Utrecht University and is used by multiple organizations, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Yoda is an application that works on top of iRODS, open source Data Management Software developed and maintained by the iRODS consortium, of which SURF is a member. Apart from the Yoda Hosting service, SURF also offers hosted iRODS environments and a storage scale-out service based on iRODS technology.
With the Yoda Hosting service, researchers and data managers of these institutes can benefit from Yoda without the administrative burden or the need to invest in additional expertise. In addition, SURF sees a lot of value in harmonizing data management tools to work towards a common, federated infrastructure for all SURF members and their research partners.
Designated administrators at every institute are responsible, as local Yoda administrators, for managing categories, metadata templates and research groups, user access, and determining quotas within their allocated environment.
Getting Started
If you are a researcher or research data management support at one of the institutes (see list above), please contact your local research support office. Otherwise, please contact the SURF Service Desk.
SURF expects that each organization that uses the Yoda Hosting service and offer it to its own users has a support team that is able to help those users.
Therefore "support" in this context means the assistance that SURF offers to each organization's support team, not directly to the users of that organization.
For large organizations, like universities, where the support team may consist of tens of data stewards and IT experts, SURF agrees with the organization on identifying a limited number of administrators that will be considered the official contact points for any communication between SURF and the organization, at least at technical level. Any request for changes or notification of issues should be submitted only by those administrators to SURF via the SURF Service Desk.