The visual aspect of branding consists of a few customisations to the interface of your instance. This is called theming and can be defined per institute.

Your customisation

Customisation involves configuration of the following:

  • Name of instance
  • Colour scheme
  • Logo, icons and background


Please provide us with the following colour choices to match your house style:

  • Colour 1 - Primaire colour for the application banner and login page background color
  • Colour 2 - Primaire button background colour and optional background gradient
  • Colour 3 - Button focus/hover colour
  • Colour 4 - Colour for the login headers on the login page (optional, by default color 1 will be taken)

Note that these colours can be the same, it’s not necessary to select different colours but is not recommended.

The are several logos of different sizes that can be placed in the web interface and outgoing emails:

  • logo-header.png (250 x 70 pixels ): logo in the application banner
  • logo.png (250 x 120 pixels ): logo one the login page
  • logo-mail.png (120 x 65 pixels): logo used in emails
  • logo-portal.png (250 x 120 pixels ): logo used in Dashboard, Dashboard mails and first login page


Additionally, provide us with these icons for use in the web browser and for mobile devices:

  • favicon.png (16 x 16 pixels): icon in the browser tab
  • favicon-touch.png (64 x 64 pixels): icon for tablets & telephones


Optionally we can host your background image at the login page (see below). This needs to be a file called background.png, preferably smaller than 2MB.


As an example, below an image is shown in which the login screen has been altered:

The application page will look as follows:

If an email is sent to a user:

Using a background image, the login screen might look as follows:

  • No labels