If you are logged in with an institutional account, depending on

  • Whether your institution is already using SRAM to create collaborations, and
  • how your institution has configured this,

you might have the option to request a collaboration. This makes sense for anyone that is responsible for a research collaboration and wants to use SRAM to arrange secure access to research applications.

When you make such a request it will be send to an organisation admin or manager to be approved or denied. As soon as a request has been approved or denied, you will receive an email.

In case you have any questions about this, please check whether your institution is listed at institutions using SRAM.

  • If not, your institution probably has probably not ordered SRAM yet. You could contact your Research Support or IT department to discuss with them whether your organisation should consider ordering SRAM. If you think SURF can help we will gladly try to help you: send an email to sram-support@surf.nl.
  • If they are, contact an organisation admin or manager (if you're unsure who to contact, your IT department might now. If all fails, SURF are happy try to help you: send an email to sram-support@surf.nl).