Initially, all users present in an SRAM-collaboration are categorized as admins or members.
These roles affect what a user can do concerning the collaboration itself: inviting and removing members and adding and removing members in groups.
The membership in collaboration groups affects what users can do with and inside Research Cloud workspaces:
Which catalog items they can see with this collaboration, whether they can become admin/root, whether they can administrate other member's workspaces or whether they automatically can use the project's wallet.
Owner is a member of a collaboration who starts a workspace.
Developer is a member of a collaboration who can create and share a new catalog item that is not listen in the catalog.
On Linux workspaces, these groups will also exist as a user groups. They are updated according to changes in SRAM.
This is an overview of how these functions can be obtained.
- Sharing control: workspace admin
- Access to project wallet
- Flag a collaboration-member as SRC administrator
- Appoint a collaboration-member a developer
- Restrict accessible catalog items