Trouble with connecting to Snellius
There are a few common issues that may be the cause of failing to connect to snellius.
Usage Agreement
In order to make use of the Snellius service, you need to read and accept the Usage Agreement.
For this you need to visit and login with your login and password.
The system is down:
Please check the system status page.
You are temporarily banned:
You will receive a 24hrs ban on a login node after 5 failed login attempts.
The interactive nodes are protected by fail2ban; since we have multiple login nodes it can happen that you are banned at one login host but not at the other login host.
Attempting to connect from a non-whitelisted IP
The interactive nodes only accept (GSI-)ssh connections from known, white-listed IP, ranges. You may be trying to connect with an IP by using an IP address that is not in a white-listed range.
So, you might find that the system cannot be accessed while traveling. For these moments, please use the doornode.
If you need access from a location that you will use regularly and long-term, please contact us through the service desk with your external IP address. Please take care that you report the CORRECT public IP address. As many sites nowadays use private IP space and a network address translation scheme, your public IP address is NOT necessarily an address that is configured directly on your local system and hence not necessarily known to your system. The following ranges are by definition private IP address ranges that cannot be whitelisted:
- -
- -
- -
You can easily find out the public IP address that you use, by visiting with your web browser.
Using the doornode
At times you'll find yourself on the road and get this good idea, which you would like to test with a simulation on Snellius. When you try to login, you'll find that access is often not possible, which can be quite frustrating. The problem is that Snellius uses a white-list of ip-addresses and only from those locations you can access the system. To help you in these situations, we have setup a separate login server, that can be accessed from anywhere in the world: (thus using `ssh`). This server can be accessed with your usual login and password, after which you get a menu with systems that you can login to. Select 'Snellius' and type your password a second time. You are now logged on to Snellius. Please note that you cannot copy files or use X11 when using the door node.
The doornode has the following hostkey fingerprints:
- ed25519
- MD5:12:e3:c8:9b:82:4f:7d:59:79:c2:47:fa:4b:46:4a:5b
- SHA256:eEtqOPM6HP4MagLwVFVwfbeFBmepj4oL84DUFkfhnPE
- ecdsa
- MD5:e3:6f:87:44:15:4e:76:b9:e1:fc:3c:50:99:ee:ed:06
- SHA256:/FrDkx3GNb1i3Bb677V06NiS580pMTb2RT0nzotcpjc
- rsa
- MD5:a3:55:8a:4f:cd:70:40:89:71:fc:99:6e:39:97:65:5d
- SHA256:VgLSSrcKTJ30kuuIcrYSf0W01KZ69PTz2LJZ+Za5iHU
How to disconnect
Simply issue the command
in the terminal window. Do not forget the 'Enter' after this command.
More information about using Linux systems in general can be found on the web, for example:
- The UNIX Tutorial for Beginners contains a useful into Unix. NOTE: some examples (especially those about variables) are for another shell (csh) then the default shell on Snellius (bash).
- The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide gives an in-depth but readable overview of the usage of the standard login shell 'bash', with examples.
Data management policy
Expired home directories and project spaces will be deleted
The SURFsara Usage Agreement states that data will be removed within 6 months after the expiration date of an agreement (Contract, Project Agreement, NWO (EInfra)grant, etc.). If a login (and its home directory) has no association for longer than 15 weeks with an active account/budget on the basis of which access to our systems is granted, we will delete the login and its home directory.
Data access granted to others
In some cases, owners of home directories have granted access to their data to others via group memberships or "access control lists" (ACL's). If the others still need these data, they need to take action to preserve the data for themselves.
Project spaces
For project spaces, by and large, the same applies as for home directories. Differences with home directories have to do with the fact that project spaces, unlike home directories, are created as collectively owned by the logins that are members of a disk quota group. Project space allocation is an integral part of NWO grants. When the NWO grant (or other contractual basis) expires, and there is no new or prolonged grant or contract within 15 weeks, the project space is expired as well and will be cleaned up. If there is a new grant or prolongation arrangement, the project space will remain. However, the logins that are no longer associated with the new account, will be removed from the quota group. Files in the project space associated with the UID of an expired login should be assigned to another group member that is still active.
Principal investigators of an account are warned 90, 60 and 30 days before their account expires, so there is enough time to take the appropriate measures before expiration date.