If you used SURF Research Cloud in your research and you are publishing a paper you have to acknowledge the grant which granted you the use of SURF Research Cloud.
The acknowledgement can be found in your grant agreement that has been signed by you when you got the grant.
Below is a relevant extract from a grant agreement:
Important: NWO grants require you to include an acknowledgement in all publications resulting from this research project. For the exact wording, please refer to NWO. In addition, we ask you also separately to acknowledge SURF in all these publications. Please use the following text:
"This work used the Dutch national e-infrastructure with the support of the SURF Cooperative using grant no. EINF-XXXX."
If you used LUMI for your publication, please use the following text:
“We acknowledge the Dutch Research Council (NWO) in The Netherlands for awarding this project access to the LUMI supercomputer, owned by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, hosted by CSC (Finland) and the LUMI consortium through the ‘Computing Time on National Computer Facilities’ call.”