Are you representing an Identity or Service Provider?

These pages are intended end users of SURFsecureID: a student, a teacher or an end-user of any kind and you are looking for support on how to use SURFsecureID

If you are an IT-professional interested in connecting an Identity or Service Provider to SURFsecureID, please read our documentation here.

SURFsecureID: beveilig je diensten extra met multi-factorauthenticatie

Met SURFsecureID beveilig je de toegang tot online diensten beter via multi-factorauthenticatie. De gebruiker logt in met een gebruikersnaam, wachtwoord én met een tweede factor: een sms, usb-sleutel, mobiele app (tiqr) of Microsoft token. SURFsecureID is uitermate geschikt voor diensten met gevoelige data en het voorkomen van account-misbruik.

Flag of the Netherlands.svgSURFsecureID gebruikersondersteuning

SURFsecureID: extra security for services with two-factor authentication

SURFsecureID makes access to online services more secure through multi-factor authentication. Users log in with a user name and password and with a second factor: an SMS, a USB key, a mobile app (tiqr) or their Microsoft token. SURFsecureID is highly suitable for services involving sensitive data, and for preventing abuse of accounts.

SURFsecureID user support

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