Handling attributes is a core function of SURFconext. A solid understanding of attributes is essential to effectively work with SURFconext. The articles provided offer background information on attributes and guidance on using them to enhance your service. When handled properly, you’ll achieve a privacy-conscious, robust, and future-ready solution.

Originally, SURFconext was built as a SAML-based federation, but support for the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol has since been added. Like SAML, OIDC relies on attributes, though they are called 'claims' in this context. They function similarly and represent the same user information. The OIDC page includes a table translating SAML attributes to OIDC claims. If your application uses OIDC, start with the claims descriptions, then refer to the attribute pages for further insights on using attributes effectively. 

Please note that the English versions of the pages are leading and best maintained.

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