This page will list all the SAML2 attributes that SURFconext and their identity providers have to offer. An attribute is a characteristic that describes a user. It is a 'name:value' pair. The attributes included in the SAML assertion correspond to certain attributes a service provider needs to work properly. In general they are needed to:
- Convey user information from the identity provider (IdP) to the service provider (SP)
- Create an account for the user at the service provider
- Authorize specific services at the service provider
Now, when a user logs in to a service provider, SURFconext sends a SAML assertion to the service provider via the browser of the user, that contains a:
- User identifier. All services receive these and are either a transient or persistent NameID (chosen via SP Dashboard).
Additional attributes. These are optional and per service.
SURFconext's SAML2 implementation adheres to the SAML2int standard 0.2.1.
The header on the link above states that work on saml2int has moved to Kantara Initiative. Until further notice, the SAML2int standard SURFconext adheres to remains at 0.2.1.
Content provider?
For content providers, SURFconext (in consultation with the partnership of the Dutch university libraries and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (UKB), Hogeschoolbibliotheken (SHB)) applies a separate attribute release policy. The following are allowed:
- Persistent or transient NameID
- schacHomeOrganization
- eduPersonAffiliation
- eduPersonScopedAffiliation
Read our blog for more information (Dutch)
A content provider or library service is an organization or platform that delivers digital materials, resources, or services to users, such as students, teachers, or institutions. These offer a variety of content, including e-books, academic journals, multimedia resources, or specialized databases. A content provider will receive only the minimum necessary user information, anonymized or pseudonymized, for authentication purposes. This ensures that users are granted the appropriate access rights while protecting their privacy.
Before you start digging into the theoretical stuff on this page, you might want to start with our 'best practice' page for an introduction to and how attributes are best used.
User identifiers
The user's identity is transmitted in the form of the NameID element. Every IdP must supply a NameID, but for privacy reasons SURFconext will generate a new one, which is duplicated in the attribute eduPersonTargetedID.
To identify a user the Service Provider must use the NameID or eduPersonTargetedID. The NameID is guaranteed to be stable for a fixed user, except in the case of transient identifiers. SURFconext will generate a NameID for each new user. It is unique for the user and specific to the SP, so SP's cannot correlate their received NameID's between each other. There are two types of NameIDs:
A persistent NameID contains a unique string identifying the user for this SP and is persisting over multiple sessions.urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient
A transient NameID contains a unique string identifying the user for this SP during the session. If the user logs in again, a new transient identifier will be generated.
The NameID and eduPersonTargetedID, which is basically a copy of the NameID, when set to persistent is unlikely to change and very privacy aware but can change when service providers or identity provider make critical changes. This can cause user profiles for services to be lost. The NameID, as used in the SAML assertion to a service provider when loggin' on, is generated using the uid, schacHomeOrganization, the Entity ID of the service provider together with a secret that uses a SHA algorithm. Institutions or services that are in production and change one of these attributes, will cause a new NameID and eduPersonTargetedID to be generated by SURFconext when doing so. This can cause loss of access to profiles at services. We will notify identity providers and service providers when we see a change in one of these attributes to prevent user data being lost.
Changing attributes
As an Identity Provider it is important to realize that changing attributes in production on SURFconext in any way can have an impact on services users have access to. Attributes that you offer to SURFconext are used to create profiles, and data is often linked to them. Changing an attribute in any way can have unwanted results like users that are no longer able to access their valuable data. An example could be to modify the way you fill the email address (amongst others). For example: changing '' to ''. Do you plan to do this or do you start a project where this is the case? Contact us and send an email to
Useful links
- Table with attributes we recommend our institutions to release:
- Profile Page , showing what attributes are released by your IdP to SURFconext
- For new IdP's or for IdP's that upgrade their environment: system administrators will at some point be asked to share the metadata of their account for analyses. When asked, visit this page and click the 'Mail to SURFconext' button. We will get back to you when we have judged the submitted metadata.This page will also show you the attributes shared and their values.
Attribute schemas
A schema is an abstract representation of an object's characteristics and relationship to other objects.
SURFconext supports two attribute schemas:
schema (SAML2.0 compliant)urn
schema (SAML1.1 compliant)
Both can be used to convey the same information (except for the NameID, which is only available in the urn:oid
schema). By default SURFconext will provide attributes in both schemas as part of the assertion. However it is not recommended to mix the use of the schemas.
Attribute overview
SURFconext supports relaying of the following attributes:
Friendly name | Attribute name | Example |
SAML NameID element | bd09168cf0c2e675b2def0ade6f50b7d4bb4aae | |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:sn | Doe Vermeegen | |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:givenName | John Mërgim Lukáš Þrúður | |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:cn | John Doe Prof.dr. Mërgim Lukáš Vermeegen 加来 千代, PhD. | |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:displayName | Dr. John Doe Prof.dr. Mërgim L. Vermeegen 加来 千代, PhD. | |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:mail | maarten.' "very.unusual.@.but valid.nonetheless" mlv@[IPv6:2001:db8::1234:4321] | | | | | | | |
Employee/student number | urn:schac:attribute-def:schacPersonalUniqueCode | |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonAffiliation | employee, student, faculty, member, affiliate, pre-student | |
Scoped affiliation | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonScopedAffiliation urn:oid: | |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonEntitlement | to be determined per service (see Standardized values for eduPersonEntitlement) | |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonPrincipalName | piet.jø not.a@vålîd.émail.addreß | |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:isMemberOf | | |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:uid | s9603145 flå | |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:preferredLanguage | nl nl, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7 | |
ORCID | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonORCID urn:oid: | |
Assurance | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonAssurance urn:oid: | |
ECK ID | | (Attribute made shorter for readability) |
SURF CRM ID | | ad93daef-0911-e511-80d0-005056956c1a |
MS AuthnMethodsReferences | | urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport |
urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:ou urn:oid: | ICT Services | |
eduid | | 658b6b41-7c13-431d-b3b4-663e9077c24c f4c9afe4-b9e1-42bb-92b8-047ac8711e29 |
Note that not all identity providers might make all attributes available.
(1) eduPerson Object Class Specification (201602):
Depricated Attributes
SURFconext considers the attributes nlEduPersonOrgUnit, nlEduPersonStudyBranch and nlStudielinkNummer deprecated. When you register a new SP at SURFconext, these attributes will not be allowed for use with SURFconext. Existing IdP's and SP can use these attributes until further notice.
Detailed attribute descriptions
See User identifiers.
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:sn |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | single-valued |
Data type | UTF8 string (unbounded) |
Description | The surname of a person (including any words such as “van”, “de”, “von” etc.) used for personalization; this can be a combination of existing attributes. |
Examples | Vermeegen Valk, van der |
Notes |
Given name
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:givenName |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | single-valued |
Data type | UTF8 string (unbounded) |
Description | Given name, also known as a first name, forename or Christian name / “name known by”; combinations of title, initials, and “name known by” are possible. |
Examples | Jan Klaassen |
Notes | Words such as “van”, “de”, “von” must not be in this attribute, but in Surname. |
Common name
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:cn |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | multi-valued |
Data type | UTF8 string (unbounded) |
Description | Full name. |
Examples | Prof.dr. Mërgim Lukáš Vermeegen 加来 千代, PhD. |
Notes | For example, a typical name of a person in an English-speaking country comprises a personal title (e.g. Mr., Ms., Rd, Professor, Sir, Lord), a first name, middle name(s), last name, generation qualifier (if any, e.g. Jr.) and decorations and awards (if any, e.g. CBE). |
Display name
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:displayName |
urn:oid | urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241 |
Multiplicity | single-valued |
Data type | UTF8 string (unbounded) |
Description | Name as displayed in applications |
Examples | Prof.dr. Mërgim Lukáš Vermeegen 加来 千代, PhD. |
Notes |
Email address
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:mail |
urn:oid | urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 |
Multiplicity | multi-valued |
Data type | RFC-5322 address (max 256 chars) |
Description | e-mail address; syntax in accordance with RFC 5322 |
Examples | "" mlv@[IPv6:2001:db8::1234:4321]; the |
Notes |
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:uid |
urn:oid | urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 |
Multiplicity | single-valued (multi-valued in the specification, but within SURFconext only 1 value is allowed) |
Data type | UTF8 String (max 256 chars); use of spaces and @ -characters is discouraged. |
Description | The unique code for a person that is used as the login name within the institution. |
Examples | s9603145 |
Notes |
Home organization
urn:mace | |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | single-valued |
Data type | RFC-1035 domain string. The domain MUST be a secondary-level domain that is under control by the institution. Preferably, the institution's main domain name should be used. |
Description | The user's organization using the organization's domain name; syntax in accordance with RFC 1035. |
Examples | |
Notes |
Organization type
urn:mace | |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | single-value |
Data type | RFC-2141 URN (see Schac standard) |
Description | designation of the type of organization as defined on |
Examples | |
Notes |
Employee-student number
urn:mace | urn:schac:attribute-def:schacPersonalUniqueCode |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | multi-value |
Data type | RFC-2141 URN (see SURF uri registry) |
Description | The user's student, employee, and/or member id as used in the university's internal systems. Also used for the Erasmus Student Identifier for international student exchange. |
Examples | |
Notes |
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonAffiliation |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | multi-valued |
Data type | UTF8 String (only the values enumerated below are allowed) |
Description | Indicates the relationship between the user and his home organization (institution). The following values are permitted within SURFconext:
Note: only the above mentioned values are allowed within SURFconext. Use the definitions mentioned to determine which affiliation a user gets. If you have doubts whether a user (fully) fits the definition, please use common sense. |
Examples | see above |
Notes |
Scoped Affiliation
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonScopedAffiliation |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | multi-valued |
Data type | UTF8 String of the form affiliation@domain (see below) |
Description | Indicates the relationship between the user and the domain of his home organization. The affiliation part must be one of the allowed values of the eduPersonAffiliation attribute (see definition right above). The value is the role of the user and the domain name of the organisation. eduPersonScopedAffiliation can hence be defined as: <eduPersonAffiliation> "@" <schacHomeOrganization>. Just like eduPersonScopedAffiliation, this is a multi valued attribute. The domain part must be the schacHomeOrganization of the user (or a subdomain thereof). |
Examples | |
Notes |
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonEntitlement |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | multi-value |
Data type | RFC-2141 URN |
Description | entitlement; custom URI (URL or URN) that indicates an entitlement to something. |
Examples |
Notes |
Principal name
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonPrincipalName |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | single-valued |
Data type | UTF8 String of the form user@scope |
Description | Unique identifier for a user. |
Examples | piet.jønsen@example.e not.a@vålîd.émail.addreß |
Notes |
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:isMemberOf |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | multi-valued |
Data type | RFC-2141 URN |
Description | Lists the collaborative organizations the user is a member of. |
Examples | |
Notes |
Preferred Language
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:preferredLanguage |
urn:oid | urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.39 |
Multiplicity | single-valued |
Data type | RFC2798 BCP47 |
Description | a two-letter abbreviation for the preferred language according to the ISO 639 language abbreviation code table; no subcodes. |
Examples | nl |
Notes | Used to indicate an individual's preferred written or spoken language. This is useful for international correspondence or human-computer interaction. Values for this attribute type MUST conform to the definition of the Accept-Language header field defined in RFC 2068 with the exception that the value " |
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonTargetedID |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | single-valued |
Data type | UTF8 string (unbounded) |
Description | The attribute eduPersonTargetedID is a copy of the persistent Subject -> NameID, which is generated by SURFconext itself. When an Identity Provider provides the eduPersonTargetedID itself, it is always overwritten by SURFconext. |
Examples | <saml:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent">bd09168cf0c2e675b2def0ade6f50b7d4bb4aae</saml:NameID> |
Notes | This attribute is created because the Subject -> NameID itself is not part of the SAML v2.0 attribute list and therefore only is available for an application if the local SAML implementation explicitly supports this. Within SURFconext the Subject -> NameID is explicitly copied into the |
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonOrcid |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | multi-valued (see remark below) |
Data type | URL, registered with |
Description | The ORCID is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes the account holder from every other researcher. Through integration in research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, the ORCID identifier supports automated linkages between the account holder and his/her professional activities ensuring that the account holder's work is recognized. Values MUST be valid ORCID identifiers in the ORCID preferred URL representation, i.e. |
Examples | |
Notes | Although the attribute is in theory multi-valued, in practice it probably makes sense that it has no more than one value. |
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonAssurance |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | multi-valued |
Data type | URL |
Description | Set of URIs that assert compliance with specific standards for identity assurance. |
Examples | |
Notes | Assertion by the home institution about specific aspects of identity proofing or authentication strength, according to the standards as outlined in REFEDS Assurance Framework. For institutions, more information is available at Vrijgeven van eduPersonAssurance. |
urn:mace | |
urn:oid | - |
Multiplicity | single-valued |
Data type | URL as specified by Edu-K, all-lowercase |
Description | Educatieve Content Keten Identifier (ECK ID) is a pseudonymous identifier for access to content for primary, secondary and vocational education. |
Examples |
Notes | This attribute may only be used for “the access to and use of digital learning resources or the digital administration of tests and exams”. For more information see (Dutch). Also, if you query this claim information from an external data stores, such as an Enterprise Active Directory, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directories or a Microsoft SQL Server, you can also define custom attribute stores to query the ECK ID claim from external data stores. Read this Microsoft blog to get to know more. |
urn:mace | |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | single-valued |
Data type | Microsoft GUID |
Description | GUID of the organization to which the IdP belongs, as used in the SURF CRM. |
Examples | ad93daef-0911-e511-80d0-005056956c1a |
Notes |
MS AuthnMethodsReferences
Name | |
Multiplicity | multi-valued |
Data type | URI |
Description | The AuthnContext-referenties involved in authenticating the current user on their home IdP. |
Examples |
Opmerkingen |
urn:mace | urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:ou |
urn:oid | urn:oid: |
Multiplicity | multi-valued |
Data type | UTF-8 string |
Description | Indicates the department, team, or faculty with which the user is associated within the issuing institution. This attribute is multi-valued, so multiple departments, teams or faculties can be listed |
Examples |
Notes |
urn:mace | |
Multiplicity | single-valued |
Data type | UTF-8 string |
Beschrijving | Targeted unique eduID-identifier for a user |
Voorbeelden | 658b6b41-7c13-431d-b3b4-663e9077c24c |
Opmerkingen |